Monday, August 20, 2012

When the tide goes out

Suddenly the cool water is almost gone - too far away
All of the things that were so simply, absolutely, here
are just as absolutely out of reach.
You blinked,
and the light went out of the sky.
The wind isn't friendly anymore,
and the sand is no longer soft.
It feels so personal. 
It feels so impersonal.
Where is the blanket that you kept meaning to put in the trunk? 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Had Everything

Plate: Rob Ryan
Sandwich: Just B.

When you are no longer driven to get it right 
It all becomes so much easier
Like there's more air in the world
Like floating in a big still lake with a starry night sky above you
Less effort more buoyancy
When perfection is off the menu
reaching out, connecting, creating, they're all right there 
within arms reach - here - now

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Baby Steps


I forgive myself.
I remember that I don't know the whole story.
I forgive others.
I let go of striving for perfection, again, and again-
I choose the actions and experiences that I want
in my heart, my mind, my body, my life.
I practice compassion.
I breathe
I choose now
I let go of getting it right